Think open-minded

Think Baker McKenzie

About us

Think commercial

Think Baker McKenzie

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Think inquisitive

Think Baker McKenzie

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A law firm like no other

It’s the attributes our people bring that make us Baker McKenzie, and what we give them in return that makes this such an inspiring place to develop a career.

About us

Find your path

There are a few ways to launch a career in law with Baker McKenzie Hong Kong. Our career guide will help you find the perfect path for you.

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Our success stories

Jargon buster

Commercial law can seem complicated when you're unfamiliar with the jargon, so we've translated some of the more common terminology into language we can all understand.

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Meet our people

If you want to know what it's really like to develop a career with Baker McKenzie, who better to tell you than the people who already work for us?

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