Posted on 29th May 2023

Forward Thinking

Helen Griffiths, Associate, IPTech London

As a global law firm, every training experience at Baker McKenzie has an international flavour, whether it’s working on a project involving multiple offices from around the world, or doing an international secondment in one of the Firm’s offices, of which there are more than 70 globally.

Ed Poulton, Baker McKenzie’s Managing Partner puts it this way: “Baker McKenzie is a Firm that from its inception set out to be a global law firm – it has always been global in its outlook and approach, and everything that we do is international.”

Now the world is opening up, post the COVID-19 pandemic, trainee international secondments are becoming more frequent. This month trainees at Baker McKenzie will head off to offices around the world including New York, Singapore, Hong Kong, Frankfurt and Sydney.

Working for a global law firm with a huge international footprint was one of the main attractions of Baker McKenzie for Helen Griffiths when she was deciding where to train and she was excited when the opportunity arose for her to spend part of her fourth seat in Hong Kong.

“I love travelling and Hong Kong was amazing. I hadn’t realised before I went what a beautiful city it is. Hong Kong has a very striking landscape. It has it all – nature parks, beaches and mountains,” said Helen.

Helen is qualifying into the IPTech team and spent three months in the IPTech team in the Hong Kong office. She worked on data privacy issues, metaverse advisory issues, which are a growing trend in Asia, as well as helping clients with Fintech and IP issues.

Helen reflects on some of the differences in culture she experienced: “I found the culture difference between Britain and Hong Kong to be massive. One of the biggest practical differences is that in London we are now working in a hybrid style, mixing days in the office with days at home. I went into the Hong Kong office five days a week. I actually found it to be a great thing in terms of quickly feeling connected to my new team.”

 “And a real difference was the emphasis put on lunch breaks! In London it’s great to take a break and step away from desk but I don’t always take the full hour. In Hong Kong everyone takes the full hour, even if they are in the middle of something important – it’s just what everyone does.”

Helen made the most of her time in Hong Kong, sampling the food, taking junk boat rides around the islands at the weekends and surfing before work.

One of the biggest lessons she learnt through her international secondment was around confidence.

“I have always been a fairly confident person, but I would say this experience has taught me just what an important skill confidence is, especially when you need to meet so many new people. The opportunity to go on an international secondment has given me confidence too, the confidence that comes from realising you have put yourself out of your comfort zone and handled things well,” said Helen.

 Helen’s advice to other trainees is to say yes! “Say yes to every opportunity you can, whether that’s putting yourself forward for an international secondment or saying yes to getting to know your brand-new team over a coffee.”

Helen says the secondment to Hong Kong has given her a better understanding of Hong Kong, and a more rounded view of the whole region. She also values the networking opportunities the secondment has given her.

“One of the biggest draws to Baker McKenzie for me was the people. The people here at the Firm are great, and it’s been good to have the opportunity to build my network throughout Asia, as well as in the London office.

 “I loved my time in Hong Kong and I will 100% be back!” said Helen.